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Executives Leading an Organization Wide Agile Transformation

A True Transformation is a People Transformation

The idea of agility has moved from software development to the C-Suite. When executed correctly agility is a permanent shift in cultural mindset and approach. Imagine what can happen when leadership embraces a people-centric opportunity seeking philosophy about the future.

The truly successful organizations heading into the middle of the twenty-first century will have leaders that recognizes and leverages the talents of the entire workforce to develop a sustainable competitive advantage.

Here are key elements of an agile organization. How does your organization compare?

  • The organization is purpose driven and everyone has embraced the purpose as a cultural imperative..

  • Leaders focus on the “New ROI” which is return on the intelligence of the workforce. The successful leader shifts from needing to know-it-all to sharing-it- all.

  • Support and empower the workforce using the concept of “Leadership as a Service” (LAAS). With LAAS, leaderships job is to remove the barriers that impede organizational success.

  • Leaders create a learning organization with a holistic eco-system view of the competitive landscape. When an organization is learning information (good and bad) is shared with the goal of uncovering lessons and insights that will support future success.

  •  Create clarity between the purpose and real time organizational performance. When employees have line-of-sight between the purpose and the performance of the organization they can make real-time decisions that can positively impact outcomes.

  • Create clarity between the purpose and real time organizational performance. When employees have line-of-sight between the purpose and the performance of the organization they can make real-time decisions that can positively impact outcomes.

  • Embrace creativity and smart risk taking. We learn from the errors that we make. We just need to be smart about how and when we make mistakes and make sure we share the learning.

  • Engender credibility and trust in leadership. People will go the distance for an organization with a purposed they believe in and leadership they trust.

  • The Course:

    The program is structured to be integrated into a strategic or operational challenge or issue of the organization. The intent is for the learnings to be integrated while address issues in a safe environment. Working on substantive issues collaboratively accelerates the retention of key concepts and challenges in a facilitated environment.

    Note: that the program can also be facilitated with an unrelated group of professionals.

    For more information about the program contact us at [email protected]


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